Barbie Barbie

samedi 22 février 2014

Barbie Tendresse / Loving you Barbie

Bonjour ! Hi !

Je vous présente ma nouvelle robe que j'ai fait à la main. (je n'ai pas de machine à coudre).
This is my new dress that I made by hand. (I do not have a sewing machine).

J'ai essayé de faire la réplique exacte de Barbie tendresse ou Barbie douceur. Je trouve la robe très réussie. Je voulais cette Barbie quand j'étais petite. Je suis impressionnée de voir que j'ai pu coudre la robe !
I tried to make an exact replica of Loving You Barbie. I find the dress very successful. I wanted this Barbie doll when I was a child and now I made my own dress. Wow !

J’espère que vous aimez.
I hope you like it !

Si vous voulez faire la même robe :
If you want to make the same dress:

14 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Hello from Spain: great job. Your dress is awesome. Fabulous creation.. Keep in touch

Unknown a dit…

Wow! That is much more better than the original!! Great job, this dress is so beautiful!

The grandmommy a dit…

Perfect! Mattel better watch out! LOL

Vanessa a dit…

Absolutely gorgeous! You did a fabulous job.

Lindaivette38 a dit…

Hola, te quedo muy bien, gran trabajo. Your dress is beautiful. Gracias por tus comentarios en mis blogs.

Unknown a dit…

Hi! What a great job! I much prefer the original! I'll take ten! I really like your blog. a kiss

Presto a dit…

I had the original Loving You Barbie (still have the dress!), and I think you actually made a nicer looking dress than the original! Excellent work!

Shasarignis a dit…

Muchas gracias Marta ! Thank you for your nice comment !

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you Rosemary. To be honest with you, I prefer my dress than the original.

Shasarignis a dit…

thank you ! You are very nice !

Shasarignis a dit…

Hi Vanessa, thank you so much for your nice comment !

Shasarignis a dit…

Gracias ! and thank you to leave me your comment !

Shasarignis a dit…

Hi Karmen ! Thank you so much for your comment ! See you soon !

Shasarignis a dit…

You are lucky to have the original Loving You Barbie. I wanted it so much !

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