Barbie Barbie

vendredi 22 août 2014

Sac Coach / Coach bag


Plusieurs se souviennent de la Barbie Coach sortie en 2013 quantité limitée à 10,000 poupées. Elle s'est vendue sur le site de Barbie Collector en un temps records.
Many remember Coach Barbie doll in 2013 limited quantity to 10,000 dolls. It was sold on the Barbie Collector web site in record time.

Dernièrement je suis entrée dans un magasin Coach, pour constater que ce n'est pas donné à tout le monde. Mon regard s'est arrêté sur des porte clés très originaux : cela ressemblait à des sac pour Barbie.
Recently I was into a Coach store, to find that it is not given to everyone. My eyes stopped on keychains very original: it looked like a bag for Barbie.

Que croyez vous que j'ai fait ? L'acheter bien sur, mais à un prix très en deçà du prix initial (64$).
What do you think I did? Buy it of course, but at a price far below to the original price ($ 64).

Ce mini sac m'a fait penser à Poppy Parker To the fair, car ce sont les mêmes couleurs.
This bag reminds me of Poppy Parker To the fair, as they are the same colors.

Je trouvais que ça allait tellement bien à Poppy !
It suits her so well.

La prochaine fois que vous passez devant un magasin Coach, n'oubliez pas de regarder les porte clés.
The next time you walk past a Coach store, do not forget to watch keychains.

8 commentaires:

Vanessa a dit…

Love the new bag. I was fortunate enough to get one of the Coach dolls for a great price, using a coupon. But I did search on line for Coach key chains earlier this year. I didn't purchase any yet, but it is a great way to experience Coach for Barbie.

sandy sandhu a dit…

Nice bag
Gladiator Sandals:
Dress in Black:
Shirt in multi-color:
Sandals in Gold:
Can we follow each other? Sandy Sandhu

Unknown a dit…

Hello from Spain: I really like this blue Coach bag. I have the Barbie Coach. She is very pretty. Thank you for your recommendation. Keep in touch

Unknown a dit…

Hello again: I just read your post on my blog about the creations of Brini. You are very kind. I would be happy to have your handmade dresses for my dolls. Thank you very much. If you prefer you can write me by e-mail: Thanks for your attention and kindness. Keep in touch

Shasarignis a dit…

As I know I will never have Coach Barbie doll, I was very happy to find this little bag for my doll.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you Sandy !

Shasarignis a dit…

Hola Marta ! Thank you for your comment and you are lucky to have the Barbie Coach.

Shasarignis a dit…

Bonjour Marta,
I send you an e-mail.

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