Barbie Barbie

samedi 20 décembre 2014


Lammily !

Elle est arrivée ! She arrived !

Je fus agréablement surprise de constater que la boîte d'emballage était petite, pratiquement de la même dimension que la boîte de Lammily. Aussi, on y trouve un petit dépliant nous racontant ses voyages.
I was pleasantly surprised that the packing box was small, almost the same size as the Lammily box. Also, there is a small pamphlet in side the box that tells us her travels.

La question que tout le monde se demande : est-elle vraiment différente que Barbie. La réponse est  oui. Voyez par vous même :
The question that everyone asks for : the Lammily doll is it really different than the  Barbie doll ? The answer is yes. See by yourself:

Je vous le dis tout de suite, les vêtements de Barbie ne vont pas sur Lammily. Je vous conseille de lui commander sa propre garde robe sur le site officiel de Lammily.
I tell you right now, the Barbie clothes do not go on Lammily. I advise you to buy to your Lammily doll, her own wardrobe on the official website of Lammily.

À moins que vous ayez des habiletés en couture et de lui faire ses propres vêtements. Ce que j'ai fait. Je lui ai cousu une robe tee shirt de base.
But if you have some skills in sewing, you can make her own clothes. I did it. I've sewn in first a basic tee shirt dress.

Je l'appelle robe tee-shirt car je peux aisément ajouter des vêtements par dessus. Donc j'ai cousu une jupe.
I call the tee-shirt dress because I can easily add clothing on this dress  that will give me different kind of style. So I sewed a skirt.

Et on dirait qu'elle porte un tee-shirt et une jupe. J'ai laissé une ouverture dans le dos pour enfiler la robe plus facilement. Donc la robe portée coté ouverture en avant donne un look différent.
And it looks like she is wearing a tee-shirt and a skirt. I left an opening in the back for putting the dress on the doll more easily. So when Lammily wear the dress side from back, that gives her a different style.

Puis j'ai cousu une veste. Then I sewed a jacket.

J'en ai profité pour lui coudre la même robe dans un autre tissus. Ce qui lui donne un style complètement différent. Elle est magnifique.
So I sewn the same dress in another tissue. That dress gives her a different style. It's so beautiful.

C'est vrai, elle n'a pas de chaussure ! Bientôt, je commanderai des vêtements de sa garde robe sur le site officiel de Lammily. J'aurai plusieurs chaussures.
It's true, I don't have shoes. Soon, I will order the clothes from her wardrobe on the official website of Lammily. I will have more shoes.

Ce que je pense d'elle ? Elle est magnifique. Je conseille à tout le monde d'en avoir au moins une. Cela vaut la peine. Oui, les proportions sont complètements différentes de Barbie, Mais j'avoue qu'elle nous ressemble plus. Elle a définitivement une image plus réelle, plus humaine. Et comme dit le créateur de Lammily, Nickolay Lamm : Average is beautiful, qui pourrait être traduit en français par : C'est aussi beau d'être dans la moyenne.
What I think of this new doll on the market ? This doll is very special. I advise everyone to have at least one doll. It is worth it. Yes, the proportions are completely different from Barbie, But I admit that it looks more like us, more like our body. She has definitely a real image, more human. And as said the creator of Lammily Nickolay Lamm: Average is beautiful. 

Vous l'aimerez !
You will love it!

D'autres informations intéressantes sur Lammily :
Other interesting information on Lammily doll:
- Site officiel
- Philosophie sur Lammily
- Tenues alternatives pour Lammily

10 commentaires:

Phyllis a dit…

You made her some very nice outfits! I don't know if you saw my post on Lammily, but I found some clothing options and shoe options from some of the female and male action figures. And, I just tried on a older pair of Ken black sandals and they fit her easily too! I think, for now anyway, they would look good with the black and white outfit you made for her.

billa's dolls and fashions a dit…

Hi, I like a lot her new wardrobe! And she looks very well in the longuette dresses, Lammily is sexy!

Studio-CyG a dit…

Hi Shasa
nice to meet you.Defenitely Lammily is a beautiful doll,never saw before i would love to have one too,she are more similar to human being body ;-) very pleased to meet her,thanks for share.
You did good job with her new pieces.
Enjoy Christmas

Lindaivette38 a dit…

Hola, no la he visto en mi ciudad. Espero conseguir una.
Saludos desde Mexico.

Vanessa a dit…

Congrats on getting her. Thanks for posting about her. I hadn't seen or heard much about her lately. I did check out her website. Nice to see that she is affordable. Happy New Year!

Shasarignis a dit…

Hi Phyllis !
Thank you for your advice
I will try to find a older pair black sandals Ken's

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you so much Billa, may be I will make another one to sell.

Shasarignis a dit…

That's right, Lammily has human proportions. It's really great to sew some clothes for her. I hope you can have your own Lammily doll.

Shasarignis a dit…

Muchas gracias amiga !

Shasarignis a dit…

Hi Vanessa ! I am very happy to read your message. In my opinion, this doll is a must have in your collection. I hope you can buy her soon.

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