Barbie Barbie

samedi 15 août 2015

FR Dania Zarr

Enfin j'ai la fameuse Dania. Elle est arrivée à la maison en Juin 2015. Elle est à couper le souffle !
Finally I have the famous Dania. She arrived at home in June. She is stunning !

Il faut voir les détails : les lunettes, le sac et le bracelet de toute beauté.
You have to see the details: the glasses, the bag and the beautiful bracelet.

Puis je me suis demandé si sans le vouloir je m'intéresse aux FR cheveux noirs, habillé de blanc. Car c'est ma deuxième dans le même style.
Then I wondered if unintentionally I am interested in the FR dolls with black hair, dressed in white. Because she is my second doll in the same style.

Puis en l'observant bien je me demande si c'est le même visage que Natalia. À votre avis est-ce le même ?
Then by observing her face, I wondered if it's the same face as Natalia doll. In your opinion is it the same?

14 commentaires:

Phyllis a dit…

The jawline on the blonde doll looks broader and more square, so I don't think they are the same face. Same for the first comparison, but maybe the blonde and the first brunette are the same face?

Anonyme a dit…

I agree with Phyllis, the jawline is broader. Dania Zarr is lovely by the way!

The grandmommy a dit…

Yup. I agree also. Yet they are both stunning!

crafty-zone a dit…

I love your Barbies, Dania is so chic and stylish!

Pikulina a dit…

WOW! Congratulations!! Dania is amazing <3 Love that doll!

april_n_paris a dit…

Elle a de la...CLASSE!!! (style Jacqueline Kennedy aux annees 60!)
Quelle chance de l'avoir!!!!

Unknown a dit…

Hello from Spain: Congratulations. Dania is breathtakingly beautiful. Clothing and accessories are beautiful and elegant. I think the two dolls have the same face mold. Very pretty. Nice photos. Keep in touch

Shasarignis a dit…

Merci April. C'est vrai qu'elle a de la classe. Les Fashion Royalty sont des collections très chics et qui ont beaucoup de styles.

Shasarignis a dit…

I think the same : the two dolls have the same face mold, but there are a little difference.

Shasarignis a dit…

I am so happy to have this doll. Thank you !

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you !

Shasarignis a dit…

Yes, she is so chic and stylish. Very chic.

Shasarignis a dit…

It is hard to say. Because they look so close.

My doll stuff a dit…

Beautiful doll.Congratulations on getting her.I think that her face is really similar to Natalia doll's face.

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