Barbie Barbie

dimanche 15 novembre 2015

Surprise / Surprise

J'aime donné.
I like to give.

Depuis quelques années, j'ai commencé une remise en question ou j'ai réalisé que j'ai trop de choses. Peut-être que c'est normal me direz-vous lorsqu'on est collectionneur.
In recent years, I realized that I have too many things. Maybe it's normal you will say when you are collector.

Mais à force de coudre et de coudre, j'ai de plus en plus de vêtements. Alors je me suis demandé que faire car j'en ai trop : les donner à des passionnés comme moi.
But by sewing and sewing, I have more and more clothes. So I wondered what to do because I get too much fashions : give them to enthusiasts like me. 

Donc je vais sur des blogs et à travers leur publication, cela me donne une idée des personnes à qui je peux offrir mes vêtements.
So I visit some blogs and through their post I can have an idea of the people that I can offer my clothes.

Voici quelques blogs à qui j'ai fait cette surprise :
Here are some blogs that I have made this surprise :

Van's Doll Treasures :

All4Barbie :

Phillys :

À vous qui avez accepté mes créations, je voulais vous dire merci ! Merci d'être des passionnés et de continuer d'aimer Barbie et les autres.
To those who have accepted some of my creations, I wanted to say thank you! Thank you for being passionate and continue to love Barbie and other dolls !

Alors qui sait si un jour je vous contacte, peut-être que c'est pour vous faire une surprise.
So who knows if one day I contact you, maybe it's to make you a surprise.

14 commentaires:

Jewell a dit…

In my short time as a doll collector, I've learned that dolly people are some of the most generous people there are. I remember that stunning bridal gown from Vanessa's blog. I don't recall if I saw the heart dress before on Marta's blog or not, but it is lovely. I can imagine a doll wearing it to a Valentine's dance. And I saw that last outfit with the bag among the clothes you sent to Phyllis. Keep doing what you love and sharing your passion with others.

Anonyme a dit…

I have seen your creations on these blogs and love what you make! The last post was on the blog of Phyllis and I enjoyed looking at her dolls in your clothes so much :-). You are so kind to send these gifts to the Barbie and similar size dolls collectors, it is hart warming that the doll collector world is such a nice place with lovely people, like you! Kindest greetings x

AG Lanc a dit…

I remember the lovely clothing you sent Vanessa. I haven't figured out how to set up my blogger account yet but I enjoy reading everyone else's.

Phyllis a dit…

As one of the lucky recipients of your generosity, I think it is a wonderful thing for you to do. It makes me want to give to others too, to sort of pay it forward! I have recently purchased some items so that I can do a blog give-a-way contest. I might even make an item or two to add to the give-away. Stay tuned!

april_n_paris a dit…

Shasarignis, vous être vraiment BELLE!!! J'ai vu ce que vous avez offert à Phyllis et je le trouve formidable. Je suis très contente de vous connaître. On vous aime.

Vanessa a dit…

You are such a sweetheart. I loved all the lovely outfits you sent to me. They are all together and marked as Shasarignis Creations. I'm looking forward to getting back to more stories so I can show them off some more. Danielle has her eye on the pink and white dress. It's loose fitting and will work for her and her new baby bump. The world is a better place because of loving, giving, and talented people like you. Je t'adore!

Unknown a dit…

Hello from Spain: you are a very grateful person. Your creations are beautiful. You sew very well. It is a pleasure to have your clothes for my Barbies. Keep in touch

Shasarignis a dit…

And it is an honor for me that you accepted the clothing.

Shasarignis a dit…

Merci pour cette délicatesse. J'aimerai bien aussi vous faire la surprise, mais vous êtes tellement habile et bien meilleur que moi, que je sens que mes vêtements ne seront pas aussi intéressants que les vôtres. Mais je vais essayer de m'améliorer pour être habile comme vous.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you so much for your nice comment. It is always a pleasure to share my passion with other dolly people.

Shasarignis a dit…

I am agree with you : the doll collector world is such a nice place with lovely people. Thank you so much, I am happy to find dolly people.

Shasarignis a dit…

Effectively, Vanessa was the first that I made the surprise. And I hope I will make several surprises to other dolly people.

Shasarignis a dit…

This is a good idea to make a contest. And it was a real pleasure to give you you some clothes. Thank you so much that you accepted them.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you Vanessa, and we all like to see your stories on your blog. You make so nice pictures with all the fashions and all the accessories. And you give me so much ideas. Thank you so much to always share with us.

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