Barbie Barbie

mardi 22 novembre 2016

Episode 44 The new teams

Avant : Episode 43

Bonjour, voici la suite de la série plutôt que prévu. Même moi je me surprends.
Hello, this is the new episode of the series rather than expected. I am surprised myself.

Jules Don Lee et Rick Fwanker ont bien des choses à se dire.
Jules Don Lee and Rick Fwanker have many things to say in secret.

Nous savons que les Stingers ont rencontré Eric Raymond.
We know that the Stingers have met Eric Raymond.

Pour savoir ce qu'ils ont conclu, il faut voir le nouvel épisode.
To know what is happening, you should see the new video.

La suite : Episode 45

2 commentaires:

Phyllis a dit…

Great stop motion! The music video was just great. New "secret" teams organized by Poppy? Can't wait to see more!

april_n_paris a dit…

Just stopping by to say hello and to wish you all the best during the holidays. Your videos are so amazing!!! A bientot!

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