Barbie Barbie

mardi 1 juin 2021

Inspiration Grands Couturiers 2021 Great Couturiers Inspiration

 Depuis un certain temps, je me suis lancée un nouveau défis de coudre des modèles inspirés des grands couturiers. J'espère que vous les reconnaitrez.

For some time now, I have taken on a new challenge of sewing models inspired by great couturiers. I hope you will recognize them.

Ce modèle est inspiré du style Vivienne Westwood
Vivienne Westwood inspiration

Yves Saint Laurent

Jean Paul Gaultier

Paco Rabanne


Pour voir toutes mes créations c'est ici

To see all my fashions it is here follow me on Instagram 

16 commentaires:

dlubaninylalkowe a dit…

All creations are amazing.

Shasha a dit…

This is an awesome project, dear!

april_n_paris a dit…

OMG, you did a phenomenal job!!! Each dress is AMAZING! Bravo!

Sandi Magle a dit…

Oh, My! These are so gorgeous, you are a Magnifique ARTISTE! I dislike pink, but the Moschino suite is to die for!

Plastic Dreams a dit…

Très très belles réalisations, bravo !

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you for your comment.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you Shasha.

Shasarignis a dit…

Merci April, mais ce n'est pas grand chose. Ton travail est bien plus meilleur que le mien.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you Sandi, the Moschino model was very pleasant to make. And I am always surprised at the end result.

Shasarignis a dit…

Merci Dreams, je dois ajouter d'autres modèles de couturiers. C'est tout un défi car il faut analyser les vêtements à partir de photo puis les réaliser.

Sheltie Times a dit…

Thanks for visiting my Craft Attic Resources Blog. Your work is amazing. The goal for my work is more practical making sure the dolls I donate for kids this Christmas go with more than just the outfits they are sold in and a few extras when possible.

Your dolls are truly works of art and fashion.

Aya w Świecie Lalek a dit…

Your creations for dolls are really perfect and professional. They look so amazing :-) I think your dolls are proud and happy to have so creative Fashion Designer like you ;-)

Sheltie Times a dit…

I read your very kind offer on my blog. I'm always happy to accept doll clothes to donate. We would need to find a more private way to share information as neither of us should put our private info on a blog message. Also you should know I am in the US. I do have a couple of people that do send from other Countries but postage can be a factor.

Plastic Dreams a dit…

Je n'imagine pas le travail, et les doigts de fée qu'il faut, et de bons yeux à cette échelle. Encore bravo !

Shasarignis a dit…

My dolls are especially happy to have their photos taken. It's like a home fashion show.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you for your nice comment on my blog. It is very nice of you to make generous donation for the children.

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