Barbie Barbie

dimanche 15 août 2021

Le cuir / The leather

 Voici une matière que j'ai commencé à utiliser en 2020. Je voulais essayer de faire des modèles commun et aussi très variés.

Here is a material that I started to use in 2020. I wanted to try to make common models and also very varied.


Voici un manteau en cuir assez large qu'il peut être porté sur une veste. Le col est très large et les poches sont faites avec un rabat.

Here is a leather coat large enough that it can be worn over a jacket. The collar is very wide and the pockets are made with a flap.

La brassière en cuire s'attache dans le dos. La jupe est simple avec une couture centrale en avant et deux coutures sur les cotés et de dos.

The leather bra is attached to the back. The skirt is simple with a center seam in the front and two seams on the sides and back.

Cette robe est faite avec plusieurs coutures sur les cotés. Sa particularité est que le devant est comme un coeur.

This dress is made with several seams on the sides. Its particularity is that the front is like a heart.

Cette veste au col large est ajusté à la taille et tombe sur les hanches. Elle est parfaite avec la jupe ou la robe.

This wide-necked jacket is fitted at the waist and falls to the hips. It is perfect with the skirt or the dress.

Je voulais vraiment réaliser une robe d'époque en cuir. Mais je me suis dit que cela ferait trop avec cette matière. Donc j'ai raccourci la longueur mais j'ai gardé l'ampleur de la robe. 

I really wanted to make a vintage leather dress. But I told myself that it would be too much with this material. So I shortened the length but kept the fullness of the dress.

Voici un pantalon en cuir à la taille ajustée et double couture sur les cotés. La veste est simple avec un col haut, de fausses poches poitrine, manches longues et poignets ajustés.

Here are leather pants with a fitted waist and double seam on the sides. The jacket is simple with a high collar, fake chest pockets, long sleeves and fitted cuffs.


Voici un long manteau qui se porte ouvert, avec le pantalon en cuir large. J'aime vraiment le style.

Here is a long coat that is worn open, with the wide leather pants. I really like the style.

Le gilet est en cuir, il se porte ouvert. 
The waistcoat is in leather, it can be worn open.

Ce que j'ai aimé à coudre cette matière, c'est que cela ne s'effiloche pas. Prenez un cuir souple et vous constaterez que c'est vraiment agréable à coudre. Je rappelle que je fais tout à la main et que je n'ai pas de machine à coudre, donc peut-être que à la machine c'est différent. Je ne sais pas. Faites le moi savoir dans vos commentaires. À bientôt 

 What I liked about sewing this material is that it doesn't fray. Take a soft leather and you will find that it is really nice to sew. I remind you that I do everything by hand and that I don't have a sewing machine, so maybe with the machine is different. I do not know. Let me know in your comments. See you soon.

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7 commentaires:

dlubaninylalkowe a dit…

WOW! Great clothes! I really love them.

Ms. Leo a dit…

I have never worked with leather material but you outfits look great. I had a few items of clothing that were fake leather and they broke down after a while. I think if I could make leather item and they broke down I could just make more! Congrats!

april_n_paris a dit…

My goodness Shasarignis....I had made a couple of jackets for my male dolls out of this material and after posting my last trend report, discovered that you had consecrated an entire post to your leather garments. You did a great job. This is easier than sewing with regular leather, but I know it still has its challenges. I have to get my machine repaired, so for the moment, I too, am making everything by hand. But I would love to topstitch. In any case, I think you did a phenomenal job with these clothes. Bravo!!!

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you for your comment.

Shasarignis a dit…

I am also impressed that it looks so real fashions.

Shasarignis a dit…

It Is true some material are very brittle. We have to take care carefully of these materials.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you for your very nice comment. It is encouraged me to sew my best.

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