Barbie Barbie

dimanche 30 janvier 2022

10 ans / 10 years

 Aujourd'hui, cela fait 10 ans que j'ai créé mon blog. Comme le temps est passé très vite. Jamais je n'aurai pensé que je ferai 10 années et pourtant.

10 Ans

Today, it has been 10 years since I created my blog. How time has passed very quickly. I never would have thought that I would do 10 years and yet.

10 Years

Cela signifie qu'on a vieilli, que bien des choses se sont passées dans nos vies. Je profite pour dire merci à toutes les personnes qui m'ont encouragées, qui m'ont laissé des commentaires, à tous les abonnés, à tous ceux qui ont accueilli mes modèles dans leur monde de Barbie. Merci 

It means that we have aged, that many things have happened in our lives. I take this opportunity to say thank you to all the people who encouraged me, who left me comments, to all the subscribers, to all those who welcomed my fashions models into their world of Barbie. Thank you

Ca serait difficile de résumer tout ce que j'ai publié en 10 ans. Alors je me suis dit peut être de publier une photo par année : 

It would be difficult to summarize all that I have published in 10 years. So I thought maybe I should post one photo per year:












82 membres sur le blog  / 82 members on the blog
6600 membres sur Youtube / 6600 on Youtube
24 membres sur Instagram / 24 on Instagram

Merci / Thank you

12 commentaires:

Aya w Świecie Lalek a dit…

I wish you the next beautiful years with your smart ideas and the dolls and fashion creations <3

april_n_paris a dit…

Bon anniversaire Shasarignis!!!! Dix ans de plaisir, 10 ans de beaute, 10 ans de talent!!! Je n'ai pas realise que tu as lance ton blog un an avant moi! (Moi je fete mes 9 ans le 2 fev!). Comme le temps passent vite!!! Je suis tres contente de t'avoir comme ami dans ce univers si precieux, si joli!!! J'espere que tu continueras de nous faire plaisir avec tes creations. Grands calins!!!

Sandi Magle a dit…

Lovely photos, and congratulations on 10 years. It is so interesting to see where dolls have gone in 10 years. I have only been blogging since 2017...and I'm redoing houses I worked on then. I hope to enjoy more years viewing your lovely work! Sandi

Natalia a dit…

Happy anniversary. In blogging life it is pretty impressive achievement. I am very happy that you are still here ☺️

Kamelia a dit…

I'm so happy I visited your blog on this special occasion! :) Happy anniversary! :)

Lampidia a dit…

I have a comment from you on my blog from ten years ago pending to answer and I was wondering If should answer it today and then thought to take a look at your blog and that's how I'm here writing to you! Thanks for your comments ten years ago! Thank You! :D

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you very much, I sincerely hope to have lots of new ideas to share.

Shasarignis a dit…

Merci April, moi aussi je suis contente de t'avoir rencontré grâce à la passion commune de Barbie et des dollys. Merci pour tes encouragements. C'est incroyable de savoir qu'à une année près on a lancé notre blog en même temps.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you Sandi for your encouragement. You started in 2017, you see how time flies, you are already half ten years. Then we have a head full of ideas to publish. Good continuation for your blog.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you Natalia, it's true that a blog that lasts 10 years in the world of Barbie collecting is becoming rare. I did not expect to last ten years. Now we're going to take one year at a time.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you Kamelia for your comment.

Shasarignis a dit…

Thank you Lampidia for your comment on my blog. I would love to leave you another comment on your blog, but when I try to go in, it looks like not available. I do not know how I can visit your blog.

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